Title: The Digital Boomer & Senior. How wired are Boomers and Seniors?
Summary: The Digital Boomer and Senior is a webinar that focuses on how Boomer’s and Seniors utilize the internet in their daily lives. The deck focuses on disproving the widely accepted perception that these two valuable consumer groups do not use the internet in the same way as like younger generations. How do they buy hearing aids and how can digital marketers influence their decisions?
Event: National Senior Living Webinar
Type: Webinar
Date: Feb, 2014
Digital Boomer and Senior Literal Slide Translation
1. The Digital Boomer & Senior How wired are Boomers and Seniors? Created by Kevin Bekker Sr. Digital Consultant, January 2014
2. The Digital Boomer & Senior How wired are Boomers and Seniors? Agenda Why digital marketing has become important The Boomer & Senior consumer group Perception “Boomers and Seniors do not use the Internet.” The hearing aid market The ROPO effect on Boomers & Seniors Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)
3. Why Digital Marketing Has Become Important
4. The Traditional Consumer Three Step Mental Model
5. The New Consumer Model
6. The New Consumer Model 88% of consumers research before they purchase prior to purchasing. On average consumers absorb 10.4 sources of information prior to purchase
7. The New Consumer Model
8. Traditional Media Drives Online Action(s) Nearly 3 in 4 consumers exposed to traditional advertising (within a traditional media) later look up the product or brand online. Types of media and actions taken following exposure to stimuli Prompted to Search (Google, Yahoo, & Bing) Direct to Advertisers website Direct To Storefront 67% 64% 78% 77% 26% 15% 21% 21% 7% 11% 1% 2% Source: Based on 2012 Google/Compete Retail Furniture Study, U.S.
9. The Boomers & Senior Consumer Group
10. By 2030, consumers 50+ are expected to grow by 34%. Source: “Introducing Boomers. Marketing’s Most Valuable Generation.” Nielson.com. N.p., Aug. 2012. Web.
11. IN 5 YEARS: 50% of U.S. Adult population will be aged 50+ by 2017. Source: “Introducing Boomers. Marketing’s Most Valuable Generation.” Nielson.com. N.p., Aug. 2012. Web.
12. Boomers Control 70% of the US Disposable Income Source: “Introducing Boomers. Marketing’s Most Valuable Generation.” Nielson.com. N.p., Aug. 2012. Web.
13. Boomers outspend other generations by an estimated $400 billion each year on consumer goods and services Source: US Government Consumer Expenditure Survey
14. “America’s senior population is growing by 10,000 a day…” Source: Lan, Bill. “Winning the 2013 Medicare Researcher |Think Insights “Google.” Web blog post. Winning the 2013 Medicare Researcher | Think Insights Google. Thing With Google, n.d. Web. Apr. 2013.
15. Perception: “Boomers and Seniors Don’t Use the Internet.”
16. Perception: “Boomers and Seniors Don’t Use the Internet.” 58% of America’s senior population research or buy Medicare via the internet. Source: Lan, Bill. “Winning the 2013 Medicare Researcher |Think Insights “Google.” Web blog post. Winning the 2013 Medicare Researcher | Think Insights Google. Thing With Google, n.d. Web. Apr. 2013.
17. Perception: “Boomers and Seniors Don’t Use the Internet.” 71% of seniors use search engines to look for information about healthcare (with mobile search a growing component), initially concentrating on generic queries rather than brand terms Source: “Introducing Boomers. Marketing’s Most Valuable Generation.” Nielson.com. N.p., Aug. 2012. Web.
18. Perception: “Boomers and Seniors Don’t Use the Internet.” 84% of seniors now access the internet. Search Queries among the 65+ demographics have doubled since 2010 Source: Lan, Bill. “Winning the 2013 Medicare Researcher |Think Insights “Google.” Web blog post. Winning the 2013 Medicare Researcher | Think Insights Google. Thing With Google, n.d. Web. Apr. 2013.
19. Perception: “Boomers and Seniors Don’t Use the Internet.” Boomers/Seniors spend more time online than watching TV in an average week. TV = 16hrs Online (NET) = 19hrs Source: Google Reaching Today’s Boomers and Seniors Online, March 2013
20. Perception: “Boomers and Seniors Don’t Use the Internet.” The Internet keeps me up-to-date on political and policy issues 60% Internet allows me to easily access information on my personal interests 78% Internet is my most trusted source of news & information 33% Source: Google Reaching Today’s Boomers and Seniors Online, March 2013
21. Seniors and Boomers use search engines more than any other online medium. Boomers Seniors Source: 2013 Boomers Research Summary. Google/Ipsos Media Ct U.S., March 2013 Source: 2013 Seniors Research Summary. Google/Ipsos Media Ct U.S., March 2013
22. Perception: “Boomers and Seniors Don’t Use the Internet.” “Older Boomers” (age 56-66) spend the most online of all generations, having spent an average $367 online in the prior months, more than double the amount spent online ($136) by “Gen Z” adults (age 18-22) Source: “Baby Boomers control 70% of US Disposable Income “ Marketing Charts August 7, 2012
23. Perception: “Boomers and Seniors Don’t Use the Internet.” Seniors Boomers Boomers and Seniors use a social media daily. Seniors Boomers Majority of Boomers and Seniors watch online video: YouTube is the most used online video website 6 in 10 4 in 10 Source: 2013 Boomers Research Summary. Google/Ipsos Media Ct U.S., March 2013 Source: 2013 Seniors Research Summary. Google/Ipsos Media Ct U.S., March 2013
24. Online Video Viewing Prompts action among boomers 75% Source: 2013 Boomers Research Summary. Google/Ipsos Media Ct U.S., March 2013 Source: 2013 Seniors Research Summary. Google/Ipsos Media Ct U.S., March 2013
25. Online Video Viewing Prompts action among seniors Source: 2013 Boomers Research Summary. Google/Ipsos Media Ct U.S., March 2013 Source: 2013 Seniors Research Summary. Google/Ipsos Media Ct U.S., March 2013
26. Online Video Viewing Prompts action among seniors How Old are your ears? (Hearing Test) Posted on YouTube October 2013 7,219,875 plays in 4 months Boomers/Seniors Google the term “YouTube” an average of 3,621 times every minute Source: 2013 Seniors Research Summary. Google/Ipsos Media Ct U.S., March 2013
27. The Hearing Aid Market
28. Google Search Engine Traffic Trend line 2009-2013
29. Google Search Engine Traffic Index by City 2013
30. Google Search Engine Traffic Breakout Keywords 2013
31. So if Boomers and Seniors are using the internet as much as they say… Why do we not see more results?
32. What is ROPO? Research Online Purchase Offline Why is it important?
33. ROPO and Boomers/Seniors Despite the growing popularity of online shopping 8 out of 10 consumers research online and purchase offline Purchased Online Purchased Offline Source: Google Reaching Today’s Boomers and Seniors Online, March 2013
34. ROPO Vs. Ecommerce Ecommerce Represents Only 5.4% of Retail Sales Q1 & Q2, 2013 United States Source: US Census Bauru News, August 2013
35. ROPO and Boomers/Seniors The Consumer Path to Purchase is complex and may lead to false attribution Source: Google Reaching Today’s Boomers and Seniors Online, March 2013
36. ROPO and Boomers/Seniors What do we know about Boomers/ Senior Shopping habits? “Boomers are more likely to compare prices or use coupons than other consumers.” -Nielson
37. ROPO and Boomers/Seniors John is reading a book he recently bought on Amazon. He took advantage of free shipping using a AAA discount John bought his Active Man sweater and khakis in Men’s Warehouse after seeing a buy one get one promotion on Facebook Meet John. John, is reading quietly on a dockside bench in the Florida Keys. He recently purchase a vacation using Groupon and Saved $800 John was gifted this watch by his Granddaughter. He accidentally hinted that he liked the watch because it had adjustable font sizes. After attempting to read the manual he found a How-To Video on YouTube. John purchased a new pair of shoes (dockside) after finding a local shoe shop using his Smart Phone and his free internet wireless
38. “80% of success is showing up.” Woody Allen 1989 August 13, New York Times
39. Making Your Website Senior Friendly Source: http://www.nia.nih.gov/health/publication/making-your-website-senior-friendly Key Tips for Making Your Website Senior Friendly • Break information into short sections. • Give instructions clearly and number each step. • Minimize the use of jargon and technical terms. • Use single mouse clicks. • Allow additional space around clickable targets. • Use 12- or 14-point type size, and make it easy for users to enlarge text. • Use high-contrast color combinations, such as black type against a white background. • Provide a speech function to hear text read aloud. • Provide text-only versions of multimedia content. • Minimize scrolling. • Choose a search engine that uses keywords and doesn’t require special characters or knowledge of Boolean terms.
40. Making Your Website Senior Friendly 50+ Mobile device intent continues to grow On Average consumers 50+ spend at least 5hrs a week on their smart phones 42% plan to spend more time on their Mobile phone over the next year 36% plan to purchase in the next 12 months Source: Google Reaching Today’s Boomers and Seniors Online, March 2013
41. ROPO and Boomers/Seniors Boomers and Seniors multitask with multiple devices, engaging simultaneously & sequentially Boomers Source: 2013 Boomers Research Summary. Google/Ipsos Media Ct U.S., March 2013 Source: 2013 Seniors Research Summary. Google/Ipsos Media Ct U.S., March 2013 Seniors
42. ROPO and Boomers/Seniors Why search visibility is important Boomers and Seniors use search engines more than any other medium 82% 91% Of Boomers Use a Search Engines Of Boomers take action as a result of Search 75% 85% Of Senior Use a Search Engines Of Seniors take action as a result of Search Source: 2013 Boomers Research Summary. Google/Ipsos Media Ct U.S., March 2013 Source: 2013 Seniors Research Summary. Google/Ipsos Media Ct U.S., March 2013
43. ROPO and Boomers/Seniors Why search visibility is important Above the Fold Positioning Organic & Search Engine Marketing 69% 58% Of Boomers click on sponsored links Vs. Of Gen Y Click on sponsored Links 91% The Top 5 Of consumers will not travel beyond page 1 of a search engine. Organic search positions represent 81.8% of all Organic Clicks Source: http://searchenginewatch.com/article/2276184/No.-1-Position-in-Google-Gets-33-of-Search-Traffic-Study
44. Using Key Performance Indicators or KPI’s to track the success of your digital footprint Engagement Metrics Time- on- site/ page- depth/ bounce rate Conversion Goals Create click stream goals tracking consumers who end their journey by looking for directions or directly responding through a phone call/email Adword Integration Track the consumer click stream generated by your Adwords campaign Tracking Pixel Implementation Using pixels to track on-page conversion by aligning pixels with display advertising targeting online consumers and content <!– Segment Pixel – OR – “Your Site”Site – DO NOT MODIFY –><img src=“http://ib.adnxs.com <!– End of Segment Pixel –>
45. Thank you.. Kevin Bekker