Pay per thousand ads delivered to cookie pools exhibiting behavior within 30 days (based on the audience). The strength of the data allows for premium inventory supplies and above the fold bidding. Supply type includes anti-bot (certified supply) inventory. Average CPM $4-$8 based on device and supply type.
Cost-Per-Thousand (CPM) bidding with Cost-Per-Click Costing
Utilize both content and 3rd party behavioral audience to target consumers with brand interest. Inventory supplies have more volume and tend to have a lower viewability percentage than the CPM (only) model. Campaign lines are optimized to performing click-through-rate.
Cost-Per-Click (CPC) Targeting Keyword or Content
Response-driven cost model used for driving traffic volume. The campaign runs through lost cost and remnant supply inventory. Clicks cost determined by demand and available supply
Cost-Per-Acquisition (CPA) Targeting Keyword or Content
The campaign runs to remnant and low-cost programmatic inventory. The campaign utilizes a conversion pixel placed on the client’s indicating an acquisition. The acquisition cost is run at a predetermined cost per acquisition.
What more to learn more about programmatic? Check out my blog post on buying programmatically in 2017.