SEO. What is it?

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is a process that focuses on getting a website and its pages to rank on search engines. Efforts resulting from a successful SEO (Search Engine Optimization) program will result in an increase in traffic to the target website and...

What is Search Engine Marketing

Definition of Search Engine Marketing (SEM)   Search Engine Marketing is a digital marketing product that allows businesses to place advertising messages on the first page of a search engine results page. SEM ads are generally text ads that appear similar to the...

How to Make Programmatic Work.

How do you make programmatic work?   You use Programmatic Sampling strategies. Programmatic sampling utilizes four programmatic costing models using different supply types and targets.  Using server-side transparency and viewability reporting, optimize to the most...

How Satori Makes the Internet Smaller

Satori Makes the Internet Smaller Satori is the world first open source RSS feed exchange. Using similar intellectual concepts like modern day programmatic exchange, Satori has organized world’s published content and data into a single RSS feed. Even more...

Most Common Google Analytic Issues

So Many Google Analytic Issues At the Nola Media Group, the digital team works with hundreds of clients across numerous different verticals every year.  The most common issue we find is an inability to track marketing campaigns accurately.   Almost eight out of ten...

How to buy Programmatic

1. What are you trying to buy programmatically? Content or behavior? One of the first questions that needs to be asked when buying programmatic… “What exactly are you trying to buy? And how?” The term programmatic refers to the process of purchasing display inventory...